Winner Robustness via Swap- and Shift-Bribery: Parameterized Counting Complexity and Experiments

N. Boehmer, R. Bredereck, P. Faliszewski, R. Niedermeier
IJCAI 2021
We study the parameterized complexity of counting variants of Swap- and Shift-Bribery, focusing on the parameterizations by the number of swaps and the number of voters. Facing several computational hardness results, using sampling we show experimentally that Swap-Bribery offers a new approach to the robustness analysis of elections.


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Ordinal Euclidean 1D {10} {100} 10000 Uniform 1D {[0,1]}
Ordinal Euclidean 2D {10} {100} 10000 Uniform 2D ($[0,1]^2$); Uniform 2D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$)
Ordinal Euclidean 3D-or-more {10} {100} 10000 Uniform 3D ($[0,1]^3$); Uniform 3D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 5D ($[0,1]^5$); Uniform 5D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 10D ($[0,1]^10$); Uniform 20D ($[0,1]^20$)
Ordinal Impartial Culture {10} {100} 10000 None
Ordinal Mallows {10} {100} 10000 The same as in “Putting the Compass on the Map of Elections”
Ordinal Single-Crossing {10} {100} 10000 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Conitzer/Random Peak) {10} {100} 10000 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Walsh/Uniform) {10} {100} 10000 None
Ordinal Urn Model {10} {100} 10000 The same as in “Putting the Compass on the Map of Elections”
Ordinal Urn Model {10} {100} 800000 $\alpha \in \{0.01, 0.02\}$