Diversity, Agreement, and Polarization in Elections

P. Faliszewski, A. Kaczmarczyk, K. Sornat, S. Szufa, T. Was
IJCAI 2023
We consider the notions of agreement, diversity, and polarization in ordinal elections (that is, in elections where voters rank the candidates). While (computational) social choice offers good measures of agreement between the voters, such measures for the other two notions are lacking. We attempt to rectify this issue by designing appropriate measures, providing means of their (approximate) computation, and arguing that they, indeed, capture diversity and polarization well. In particular, we present "maps of preference orders" that highlight relations between the votes in a given election and which help in making arguments about their nature.


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Ordinal Euclidean 1D {8} {96} 292 Uniform 1D {[0,1]}
Ordinal Euclidean 2D {8} {96} 292 Uniform 2D ($[0,1]^2$); Uniform 2D Sphere
Ordinal Euclidean 3D-or-more {8} {96} 292 Uniform 3D ($[0,1]^3$); Uniform 5D ($[0,1]^5$); Uniform 3D Sphere; Uniform 10D ($[0,1]^10$)
Ordinal Group-Separable {8} {96} 292 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture {8} {96} 292 None
Ordinal Mallows {8} {96} 292 Normalized phi, chosen uniformly at random
Ordinal PrefLib None None 292 https://www.preflib.org/dataset/00001
Ordinal PrefLib None None None https://www.preflib.org/dataset/00014
Ordinal PrefLib None None None None
Ordinal Single-Crossing {8} {96} 292 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Conitzer/Random Peak) {8} {96} 292 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Walsh/Uniform) {8} {96} 292 None
Ordinal Urn Model {8} {96} 292 $\alpha \in \{0.2,1\}$
Ordinal Euclidean 1D [8] [1000] 1 Uniform 1D {[0,1]}
Ordinal Euclidean 2D [8] [1000] 1 Uniform 2D ($[0,1]^2$); Uniform 2D Sphere
Ordinal Euclidean 3D-or-more [8] [1000] 1 Uniform 3D ($[0,1]^3$); Uniform 2D Sphere; Uniform 3D Sphere
Ordinal Identity [8] [1000] 1 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture [8] [1000] 1 None
Ordinal Mallows [8] [1000] 1 norm-$\phi \in \{0.05, 0.2, 0.5\}$
Ordinal PrefLib [8] [1000] 1 https://www.preflib.org/dataset/00001
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Conitzer/Random Peak) [8] [1000] 1 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Walsh/Uniform) [8] [1000] 1 None
Ordinal Urn Model [8] [1000] 1 $\alpha \in \{0.2,1\}$