An Analysis of Approval-Based Committee Rules for 2D-Euclidean Elections

M. T. Godziszewski, P. Batko, P. Skowron, P. Faliszewski
AAAI 2021
We study approval-based committee elections for the case where the voters' preferences come from a 2D-Euclidean model. We consider two main issues: First, we ask for the complexity of computing election results. Second, we evaluate election outcomes experimentally, following the visualization technique of Elkind et al., (AAAI-2017). Regarding the first issue, we find that many NP-hard rules remain intractable for 2D-Euclidean elections. For the second one, we observe that the behavior and nature of many rules strongly depends on the exact protocol for choosing the approved candidates.


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Approval Euclidean 2D {100} {100} 2000 More details in Visualization and Discussion sections. Point generation models: a) uniform square, b) asymmetric Gaussian Model with two centres, c) overlapping squares. Voters \& candidates types: 1.1) Fixed voters’ radii; zero candidate radii 1.2) Fixed voters’ ballot length; zero candidate radii 2.1) Randomly selected voters’ radii from [0,3]; zero candidate radii 2.2) Randomly selected voters’ ballot length from {1,…,100}; zero candidate radii 3) (Only for asymmetric model): Voters as above; candidate radii 1 for noncenter-going gaussian side and 1.5 for center-going gaussian side