Multigoal Committee Selection

M. Kocot, A. Kolonko, E. Elkind, P. Faliszewski, N. Talmon
IJCAI 2019
We study the problem of computing committees that perform well according to several different criteria, which are expressed as committee scoring rules. We analyze the computational complexity of computing such committees and provide an experimental evaluation of the compromise levels that can be achieved between several well-known rules, including k-Borda, SNTV, Bloc, and the Chamberlin--Courant rule.


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Ordinal Euclidean 2D {100} {100} 100 Uniform 2D ($[-3,3]^2$)
Ordinal Euclidean 2D {100} {100} 5000 Uniform 2D ($[-3,3]^2$)