Approval-Based Multi-Winner Rules and Strategic Voting

M. Lackner, P. Skowron
IJCAI 2018
We investigate the possibility of strategic voting in approval-based multiwinner rules. In particular, we define three axiomatic properties that guarantee resilience to certain forms of strategic voting: independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA), monotonicity, and SD-strategyproofness. In this paper, we systematically analyze multiwinner rules based on these axioms and provide a fine-grained picture of their resilience to strategic voting. Both our axiomatic and experimental analysis show that approval-based multiwinner rules are generally very susceptible to strategic voting---with one exception: multiwinner approval voting.


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Approval Impartial Culture {8} {24} 1000 None
Approval Impartial Culture {6} {24} 1000 None