Collective Schedules: Scheduling Meets Computational Social Choice

F. Pascual, K. Rzadca, P. Skowron
AAMAS 2018
When scheduling public works or events in a shared facility one needs to accommodate preferences of a population. We formalize this problem by introducing the notion of a collective schedule. We show how to extend fundamental tools from social choice theory - positional scoring rules, the Kemeny rule and the Condorcet principle - to collective scheduling. We study the computational complexity of finding collective schedules. We also experimentally demonstrate that optimal collective schedules can be found for instances with realistic sizes.


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Ordinal Impartial Culture {9} {146} 100 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture {7} {153} 100 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture {10} {5000} 100 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture {10} {500} 100 None
Ordinal Mallows {9} {146} 100 None
Ordinal Mallows {7} {153} 100 None
Ordinal Mallows {10} {5000} 100 None
Ordinal Mallows {10} {500} 100 None
Ordinal PrefLib {9} {146} 100
Ordinal PrefLib {7} {153} 100
Ordinal PrefLib {10} {5000} 100
Ordinal PrefLib {10} {500} 100