Voting with Limited Energy: A Study of Plurality and Borda

Z. Terzopoulou
AAMAS 2023
An abundance of everyday problems rely on voting, ranging from standard political elections and committee decisions to coordinated efforts of multiagent systems. A common and prevalent, yet often underestimated, element of these situations is the substantial effort required by the voters to examine all alternatives involved in the decision problem and to form complete preferences. How does limited energy affect collective decision making? This is the question we address, enriching the classical framework of voting by incorporating two new parameters: the energy limits of the voters, as well as the order in which the alternatives are presented to them.We focus on two popular voting rules: Plurality and Borda. We conduct an extensive social welfare analysis with both analytical and experimental tools, and we also study the strategic incentives that arise in this setting.

Remarks: there is a repository:, with limited resources


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Ordinal Plackett-Luce {5} [10-1000] 3000 None