Welfare vs. Representation in Participatory Budgeting

R. Fairstein, D. Vilenchik, R. Meir, K. Gal

Election type Approval
Culture Euclidean 2D
Candidates {420}
Voters {200}
Number 420 is estimated (as a mean of the number of candidates chosen uniformly at random)
Instances 1000
Except for pabulib, where 130 instances were considered .
Parameters [0,1]x[0,1] square with voters and candidates sampled from a multivariate normal distribution with uncorrelated distributions with means in 0.5 and 0.5 and std 0.2 and 0.2. Each voter approves max(x,1) closest candidates, where x is sampled from a normal distribution with mean 10 and std 3.
Party-list: voters split at random into groups of sizes 5 to 20, then each group supports between x in [10, 30] unique candidates, where x is chosen uniformly at random,
Notes Pabulib: instances from Warsaw, Poland, years 2017-2021, each instance included between 50-10,000 voters (2,982 on average) and between 20-100 projects (36 on average).