Worst-Case Voting When the Stakes Are High

A. Kahng, G. Kehne

Election type Ordinal
Culture PrefLib
Candidates {5}
Voters [13318-20239]
* Vermont consists of data from public office elections in 2014 (15 different races, with 3 to 6 candidates and 532 to 1960 voters per race) * Glasgow consists of data from the 2007 Glasgow City Council elections (21 wards, with 13 candidates and 5199 to 12744 voters per ward) * Debian consists of votes for the Debian logo (8 elections, with 4 to 9 alternatives and 142 to 504 voters per election) * APA consists of election data from the American Psychological Association between 1998 and 2009 (12 elections, with 5 alternatives and 13318 and 20239 voters).
Instances None
Parameters https://www.preflib.org/dataset/00028
APA Election Data
Motivation -