Properties of Position Matrices and Their Elections

N. Boehmer, J.-Y. Cai, P. Faliszewski, A. Z. Fan, L. Janeczko, A. Kaczmarczyk, T. Wąs

Election type Ordinal
Culture Euclidean 2D
Candidates {8}
Voters {80}
480 elections of size 8x80
Instances 20
Exact quantities of 480 elections (Appendix A.3) Approximately 20 elections per culture model #elections Impartial Culture 20 single-peaked (Conitzer) 20 single-peaked (Walsh) 20 single-peaked on a circle 20 single-crossing 20 1D-Euclidean (uniform interval) 20 2D-Euclidean (uniform interval) 20 3D-Euclidean (uniform interval) 20 5D-Euclidean (uniform interval) 20 10D-Euclidean (uniform interval) 20 20D-Euclidean (uniform interval) 20 2D-Euclidean (sphere) 20 3D-Euclidean (sphere) 20 5D-Euclidean (sphere) 20 group-separable (balanced) 20 group-separable (caterpillar) 20 normalized Mallows model 80 urn model 80
Parameters Uniform 2D ($[0,1]^2$)
Notes See Section 4. (An Experiment) for more details of frequency matrix realizability in restricted domain. See Section 5. (Experiment 1.) for more details of condorcet condition efficiency. See Section 5. (Experiment 2.) for more details of possible condorcet winners number.