Properties of Position Matrices and Their Elections

N. Boehmer, J.-Y. Cai, P. Faliszewski, A. Z. Fan, L. Janeczko, A. Kaczmarczyk, T. Wąs
AAAI 2023
We study the properties of elections that have a given position matrix (in such elections each candidate is ranked on each position by a number of voters specified in the matrix). We show that counting elections that generate a given position matrix is #P-complete. Consequently, sampling such elections uniformly at random seems challenging and we propose a simpler algorithm, without hard guarantees. Next, we consider the problem of testing if a given matrix can be implemented by an election with a certain structure (such as single-peakedness or group-separability). Finally, we consider the problem of checking if a given position matrix can be implemented by an election with a Condorcet winner. We complement our theoretical findings with experiments.


Election type Culture Candidates Voters Instances Parameters
Ordinal Euclidean 1D {8} {80} 4000 Uniform 1D {[0,1]}
Ordinal Euclidean 2D {8} {80} 4000 Uniform 2D ($[0,1]^2$)
Ordinal Euclidean 3D-or-more {8} {80} 4000 Uniform 3D ($[0,1]^3$); Uniform 5D ($[0,1]^5$); Uniform 10D ($[0,1]^10$); Uniform 20D ($[0,1]^20$); Uniform 2D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 3D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 5D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$)
Ordinal Group-Separable {8} {80} 4000 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture {8} {80} 4000 None
Ordinal Mallows {8} {80} 4000 For the 80 elections generated using the urn model and the normalized Mallows model, we followed the protocol of Boehmer et al. [2021b, 2022b]. Hence, for each of the elections generated with the normalized Mallows Model, we drew the value of rel-$\phi$ uniformly at random from the [0, 1] interval.
Ordinal Single-Crossing {8} {80} 4000 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Conitzer/Random Peak) {8} {80} 4000 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Walsh/Uniform) {8} {80} 4000 None
Ordinal Urn Model {8} {80} 4000 The parameter for the urn model elections was drawn according to the Gamma distribution with the shape parameter k = 0.8 and the scale parameter $\theta = 1$.
Ordinal Euclidean 1D {4} {16} 20 Uniform 1D {[0,1]}
Ordinal Euclidean 2D {4} {16} 20 Uniform 2D ($[0,1]^2$)
Ordinal Euclidean 3D-or-more {4} {16} 20 Uniform 3D ($[0,1]^3$); Uniform 5D ($[0,1]^5$); Uniform 10D ($[0,1]^10$); Uniform 20D ($[0,1]^20$); Uniform 2D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 3D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 5D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$)
Ordinal Group-Separable {4} {16} 20 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture {4} {16} 20 None
Ordinal Mallows {4} {16} 20 For the 80 elections generated using the urn model and the normalized Mallows model, we followed the protocol of Boehmer et al. [2021b, 2022b]. Hence, for each of the elections generated with the normalized Mallows Model, we drew the value of rel-$\phi$ uniformly at random from the [0, 1] interval.
Ordinal Single-Crossing {4} {16} 20 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Conitzer/Random Peak) {4} {16} 20 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Walsh/Uniform) {4} {16} 20 None
Ordinal Urn Model {4} {16} 20 The parameter for the urn model elections was drawn according to the Gamma distribution with the shape parameter k = 0.8 and the scale parameter $\theta = 1$.
Ordinal Euclidean 1D {8} {80} 20 Uniform 1D {[0,1]}
Ordinal Euclidean 2D {8} {80} 20 Uniform 2D ($[0,1]^2$)
Ordinal Euclidean 3D-or-more {8} {80} 20 Uniform 3D ($[0,1]^3$); Uniform 5D ($[0,1]^5$); Uniform 10D ($[0,1]^10$); Uniform 20D ($[0,1]^20$); Uniform 2D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 3D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$); Uniform 5D Sphere ($(0, 0)$ $r=1$)
Ordinal Group-Separable {8} {80} 20 None
Ordinal Impartial Culture {8} {80} 20 None
Ordinal Mallows {8} {80} 20 For the 80 elections generated using the urn model and the normalized Mallows model, we followed the protocol of Boehmer et al. [2021b, 2022b]. Hence, for each of the elections generated with the normalized Mallows Model, we drew the value of rel-$\phi$ uniformly at random from the [0, 1] interval.
Ordinal Single-Crossing {8} {80} 20 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Conitzer/Random Peak) {8} {80} 20 None
Ordinal Single-Peaked (Walsh/Uniform) {8} {80} 20 None
Ordinal Urn Model {8} {80} 20 The parameter for the urn model elections was drawn according to the Gamma distribution with the shape parameter k = 0.8 and the scale parameter $\theta = 1$.